Sandra Duchiewicz

Hi! I'm Sandra - Polish concept artist, illustrator and Women in Games Ambassador :)

For the past 12 years, I've been working on a variety of projects, including AAA video games, indie games, animated shorts, theater shows, comics and paper RPGs. During my 6 years of working at the Creative Assembly, I had a pleasure to lead Concept Art Department on an award-winning Total War: Warhammer trilogy.

The majority of my work is focused on character and creature concept art for video games and VFX. I also have experience with costume design for theater, marketing art, prop design, level and environment design and art direction.

I was featured in "The Best Polish Illustrators: Concept Art" artbook by {slow} Publishing, and also had a pleasure to paint a cover art for ImagineFX issue 133.

My experience in teaching Production Concept Art extends Mentoring Sessions. I had a pleasure to give lectures and do workshops at main Art Conferences and Digital Art Festivals in Europe:
-Promised Land Art Festival 2016, CD Project Red, Łódź, Poland
-Industry Workshops 2017, London, UK
-Animex 2018, Teesside University, Middlesborough, UK
-Eharthe 2018, Event Horizon School, Turino, Italy
-MCM Comicon 2018, Wacom, Celsys, London, UK
-MCM Comicon 24 May 2019, Wacom, Celsys, London, UK
-Digital Dragons 27-28 May 2019 - Cracov, Poland
-LightBox Expo 6-8 September 2019 - Pasadena, CA, US
-Evening Concept Art Class at Escape Studios and Pearson College - Feb- April 2020, London, UK

I also sometimes appear at Universities to give lectures to Game Art Students;
-Escape Studio, Pearson College in London, UK
-Teesside University, Middlesborough, UK

My client list includes: Unit Motion Design, Aaron Sims Creative, Wizards of the Coast, Adobe, CHRLX, Nexus, BlinkInk, Axis Animation, Whatboy Games, Creative Assembly, SEGA, Games Workshop, Paizo, Fantasy Flights Games, Celsys, Wacom, Imagine FX, Teesside University, Pearson College in London and more (you can check my full resume at

You can see my portfolio at:

I also wrote a little article about job hunting for concept artists. I recommend you to read it before you schedule the mentoring session!
I also encourage you to read my answers to common questions from Game Art Students.

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65 received reviews (100% positive, 65/65)

She gave me extra time. More than what was said(an hour) on the page. Thanks! And sorry for the late reply. Been very busy.

SeungUn Lee about listing Concept Art & Illustration 9 months ago.

The session was tremendously helpful and insightful - very grateful for terrific advice and guidance! Highly recommend!

Monika Eidintaite about listing Concept Art & Illustration 11 months ago.

It was really great talking with Sandra!

Found it very helpful.

David Stefanovic about listing Concept Art & Illustration 1 year ago.